I was shocked into the realisation today.
It’s not that I wasn’t taking notice. But I was so involved with the everyday caring that I hadn’t seen what was missing.
Ever been pulled up sharp by God Himself?
And all of a sudden He’s in there, reminding you of His magnificence…His presence that transcends everything in your life!
I was at the hospital. Oh wait. I haven’t told you about this yet. I’m in a situation of caring for my very ill and only sibling, my ‘big brother’ who is a man of God. Loves Jesus! With all his heart and soul. But now he’s in this situation, only months long now, and finds himself desperate to cry out for the very Presence that heals. The Presence that guides. The comforting Presence that transcends.

I think that I’m ‘transcending’ when I say a prayer, when I read an inspiring passage, but I learnt something today….When we ‘transcend’ something, we actually RISE ABOVE it….We’re not on the same ‘level’ any more.
“Transcend”: “be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division)” To “surpass” (a person or an achievement).
The dictionary definition doesn’t do it justice, what I saw today.
A man who’s been told his life is dwindling fast away, still holding on to the faith and the confession that is his life…that is Christ. When the news of the brain tumour hit us all we had the ‘right confession’…rising above what was being declared by a faithless world. Though we still continue to try, the help comes in way that is foreign to us, unusual…transcendent. And we feel inadequate, and we feel lack and pain and frustration…and it gives us something to rise above, again. But those of us who experience the transcendence can soar above. We rise.
He lifted his arm right up in adoration of His Saviour. Jesus, the only one who can do anything about this situation, in reality. Yes there are doctors, nurses, hospitals and drugs. And it all helps. I guess. But what transcends it all…what causes us all to rise is the faith, the believing, the knowing the Saviour’s Presence? What causes our spirit to gush, to speak forth praise and worship when we have lost even the capability to express ourselves in words…
The witnessing of it. As I read him the scriptures…his arm upward along with his face in a blessing that gave me the privilege of belonging…of being a part of, his journey. He spoke out adoration, though he could speak little else. A never ending flood of words, though used a lifetime in other ways, and now selected to support the TRANSCENDING faith that carries the Spirit with him…
I’m supporting. I’m caring. I’m believing. But even now and much more…I’m transcending. Rising above the storm.
What an honour.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

Ephesians 2:6
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